Thank you for attending “Fair Play – Buyer Representation & Compensation Conversations” — I hope the resources here are helpful to you!

Effective August 2024: VA Signals Temporary Suspension on Buyer Agent Payment Plan, via NAR: “The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to temporarily lift its ban on buyers directly paying for professional real estate representation until the agency deems it necessary to engage in a formal rulemaking process, a VA official said Tuesday at a Mortgage Bankers Association conference in New York.” While this is only a temporary change to the current rule, NAR will continue the fight to ensure that VA-eligible borrowers have the same access to representation and home choice as buyers using all other types of financing.


OTHER RESOURCES FOR YOU: is NAR’s official clearinghouse page for all updates and information regarding the proposed lawsuit settlement, as well as comprehensive settlement resources. Here you can find answers to FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQs), answers to FAQs regarding financing,  and a Settlement Agreement Facts Toolkit to help you discuss the settlement with your agents and colleagues, as well as consumers, including social media assets to share. You can also find detailed MLS Policy Changes, a Settlement Fact Sheet, and the full Settlement Agreement.

NAR has also created a campaign explaining the value of REALTORS®, “179 Ways Agents Who are REALTORS® are Worth Every Penny of Their Compensation.” Additional information and updates can also be found at

A few more downloadable resources from NAR (keep checking for updates and added resources) — these are great to give to your clients (and NAR is adding more regularly):

Finally,  make sure you tune in to The Advocacy Scoop, NAR’s new advocacy podcast!

Beyond the NAR resources, has also created a Buyer Agency Toolkit for REALTORS® to use when talking to buyers.


  • – REALTOR® Anthony Lamacchia, broker/owner of Lamacchia Real Estate, has created an incredibly informative site with videos for brokers and owners on buyer agency, the details of the lawsuits, and a wealth of additional information. I highly recommend!