Blogging 101 for Real Estate Agents
Consistent blog content can enhance your website’s SEO strength, keep your clients updated with fresh and relevant information, and bring you new business. Have you been thinking about adding a blog component to your website? Have you started a blog but are unsure what your next steps should be? Or are you interested in starting a blog but writing about the same old/same old real estate content just doesn’t inspire you? Successful bloggers keep their heads around many different aspects of the world around them – but the most important is being able to write compelling and engaging content consistently over time. Objectives include:
- Discussion of blog platforms to help you decide which one is right for you and your needs.
- The advantages and benefits of having a blog to enhance your website’s SEO value, to bring you more leads, and make you more money.
- An in-depth look at content creation – what types of posts to include and on what topics.
- Ways to measure your blog’s strength and effectiveness, to look at the demographics of your readers, and to assess your content and pinpoint what type of content your readers are looking for.
- How to master cross-promotions over your other social media platforms, integrating your blog content with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, and more!
Mobile Apps for Real Estate Agents: Putting Your Smartphone and Tablet to Work for You
You CAN conduct business with the same degree of efficiency and productivity while you are out on the road – you just need the right tools in your toolshed! This class explores 50+ mobile apps for your Smartphone and Tablet that can help you rethink the concept of your office and get you out from behind your desk, closing more deals and being more effective for your clients! From social media to productivity, finance to travel – when they say, “there’s an app for that”, it’s really true. There’s an app for every aspect of your business! Learn apps that will help you and your business with the following goals in mind:
- Identify 50+ apps that will improve your day-to-day business in the following categories: Financial/Mortgage, Locational, Photo and Video, Organization, Productivity, Real Estate, Safety, Social Media, and Travel/Dining.
- Distinguish between the apps that are right for you and your business and those that are not a good fit for you.
- Put a plan in place to incorporate your mobile plan into your business.
- Make your (auto)mobile mobile-friendly with simple tips to make your clients comfortable in your new roaming office.
Super Simple Video: Be the Star of Your Own YouTube Channel
Want to get started using video in your marketing but don’t really know where to begin? You’ve come to the right place. With just your Smartphone or Tablet, you can create, edit, and upload high-quality videos in just a few simple steps! Producing informational and promotional videos is a quick and simple way to connect with your consumer base, to gain the trust of potential clients, and send personal (and impressive!) greetings to your clients and sphere. Take it one step further and get your clients involved using video testimonials and house-hunting videos. The possibilities are endless – put your creativity to work. Video isn’t just for the tech-savvy real estate agent anymore – get started today!
- Create a video “template” to remove the planning headache and keep your videos consistent.
- Explore various video editing apps to find the one that works best for your needs – from beginner to advanced, there are many possibilities.
- Learn the basics of video editing.
- Discuss the top 10 dos and don’ts of video.
- Make a video today (even while in class, if time permits) and get it uploaded to YouTube – just to see how easy it really is!
Your Facebook Business Page is Worthless
Do you have a Facebook Business Page because someone told you with certainty that “you should”? Are you finding that it’s not bringing in business and referrals as you thought it might? Do you feel that every minute you spend on your Business Page is just a waste of time? Delete your Facebook Business Page today and start harnessing the power of your personal profile. Start being truly social on social media and reap the benefits almost immediately. You shouldn’t be doing business via social media, but you should use the treasure trove of knowledge that Facebook gives you to better serve your clients and sphere. In this whirlwind session, we’ll cover the following:
- Optimizing your personal profile for public viewing while keeping your privacy at the same time
- Harvesting the hidden gems of information Facebook provides that you may not know about
- Getting “face-to-face” with clients via Facebook
- Finding your niche – using a hobby or interest that is traditionally an in-person activity into a lead-generating business model
- Avoiding the pitfalls of bad etiquette on Facebook personal pages