Do you have a Facebook Business Page because someone told you with certainty that “you should”? Are you finding that it’s not bringing in business and referrals the way that you thought it might? Do you feel that every minute you spend on your Business Page is just a waste of time? Delete your Facebook Business Page today and start harnessing the power of your personal profile. Start being truly social on social media and reap the benefits almost immediately. You shouldn’t be doing business via social media, but you should be using the treasure trove of knowledge that Facebook gives you to better serve your clients and sphere.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
- Optimize their personal profile for public viewing while keeping their privacy at the same time
- Harvest the hidden gems of information Facebook provides that they may not know about
- Get “face-to-face” with clients via Facebook
- Find their niche – using a hobby or interest that is traditionally an in-person activity into a lead-generating business model.
- Protect your clients from social media faux pas, which can be disastrous for their negotiation/transaction.