Haunted house? You need to know who to call…but more importantly, you need to know what you need to disclose when it’s time to sell. Pull up a chair, grab a blanket and a candied apple, and get ready for the story of a ghostly sale and the court case that followed. From hauntings to other kinds of stigmatized properties, Maura and Cheryl dig into disclosure, starting with the New York court case that started it all, the infamous “Ghostbusters Ruling.”
Want to keep digging? Here are some more resources for you:
- Review the court case, here.
- Read the original 1977 Reader’s Digest Article (with original page ads), here.
- News articles when the house went back on the market in 2019, here and here and here.
- Other podcast episodes about the house, here and here.
- “Due to the infamous ‘Ghostbusters Ruling,’ this New York house is Legally Haunted on Ranker.com, click here.
- Check out the house that led to the “Ghostbusters Ruling” on Zillow, click here.
- DiedInHouse.com, click here.
ATTRIBUTION 3.0: This episode features royalty-free spooky sound effects, including “Backwards Souls” by Mike Koenig, which can be found on SoundBible, here, and also “Wind” by Mark DiAngelo, which can be found here.