Hi, Everyone!
Fall is my favorite time of year — the temps cool down, the humidity (hopefully) gives us a bit of relief, and the leaves turn into a brilliant display of reds, golds, and oranges (yes, even here in the South!).
But as the air cools, your business doesn’t have to! If you’re experiencing a softening in your market, you can do plenty to keep generating those leads.
ACTION ITEM – Make a marketing plan to take you into the end of the year
Look at your calendar (do it – right now!) and block off 2 to 3 hours in the next week to turn off your phone, log out of your email, and create a marketing calendar to end the year strong. Pay close attention to how you can take care of your current and past clients and sphere of influence and show them the love to keep those referrals pouring in. For some ideas on how to make your past clients feel special this autumn, click here.
What I’m reading – So I know the guy who wrote this book. I don’t know him well, but we’ve hung out, drank champagne together, and now he’s this best-selling author-type. And when you read his book, you will also feel like you know him. 10 Seconds of Insane Courage by Garrett Gravesen is one of my favorite reads of the year…and maybe in my top five nonfiction reads of all time (and I’m not just saying that because I know him). Garrett says, “There is only one thing between you and a beautiful life: FEAR.” I want you to read this book.
Podcast I’m listening to – They’re a few years in now, which just means lots of episodes for you to binge on (like I do), and I highly recommend doing just that. No Such Thing as a Fish is a brilliant podcast from the folks at QI (which means: Quite Interesting), hosted by British researchers from the TV show by the same name on the BBC. Each week, they bring you their “four favorite facts from the last seven days” — it’s quirky, laugh-out-loud funny, and super-smart. You’ll absolutely learn something you didn’t know. Download on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Article I’m pondering – “Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority, According to Science” from INC.com. I used to be a voracious reader, but the busier I get (and you know the feeling), the less time I make for myself, hence the less time I make for reading. This article is making me pay conscious attention to the attention I haven’t been paying to one of my first loves…books.
Tip I’m sharing – Read more. Read Garrett’s book. Read your newspaper of choice. Read a poem. Read some fiction. Just take some time for yourself, brew a pot of coffee or a cup of tea, and just…read.
What are some of your goals and to-dos, challenges, and questions for the remainder of 2018? I’d love to hear about them and how I can help you reach them! Email me and let me help to keep you accountable!
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Thanks for reading – see you next month!